Thursday, July 16, 2009

Revolution Micronesia

The Salvation Army opened fire in the Marshall Islands in 1985 and quickly spread throughout Micronesia to the islands of Pohnopei, Chuuk, Saipan and Guam. Although breathtakingly beautiful, these island nations are desperately in need of the good news of Jesus. Poverty is rampant. Hopelessness and despair abound. The officers and soldiers stationed there have been fighting a heroic battle but the need is great and the workers are few.

Revolution Micronesia is looking for new heroes who are ready to step into the fight and make an eternal difference for the kingdom of God. This short 3 month mission is offered three times a year, in October, February and June. The first month is spent on the Island of Oahu, for the purpose of training and equipping. The final two months are spent on one of the third world islands of Micronesia – living with, loving and serving the poor, hurting, lost and marginalized - just like Jesus.

Who: Christian Men & Women 18 years and older.
What: 3 Month Missions.
Where: Republic of Marshall Islands, Chuuk, Phonpei, Saipan, Guam.
When: (Offered 3 times a year) Oct.-Dec., Feb.-Apr., June-Aug.
Cost: $2000 - Covers airfare and everything you will need for three months.

For more info or to apply email:

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